November/December Holiday Restocks + Processing Times
I will be absent from the studio November 21th - December 5th while I will be at the One of a Kind Show in Toronto! During this time, the online store will remain open to accept orders, but processing times will be delayed until my return. (See below for order deadlines).
With the show being in the #048758middle of a busy time for holiday gift shopping, there will be a 2-part online shop holiday restock. One restock will take place before the OOAK show and the second restock will occur right after. (See below for restock dates)
2-Part Online Store Holiday Restock Dates
- Part 1 - Friday November 11th at 8pm
- Part 2- Friday December 9th at 8pm
Online Order Deadlines + Closure Notice
- November 17th 6pm - Any orders placed up until this date and time will be fulfilled (dropped off at pick up location or shipped out by November 19th).
- November 17th 6:01pm - December 5th - The online store will remain OPEN, however, ALL orders placed during this time will NOT be processed until December 6th (in order of which they have been received and may take 1-4 business days from this date to process depending on order volume)*. Just know they will be priority as soon as I return and I'll process these ASAP!
- December 16th 12pm - The last day you can order online, be sure to get any last minute orders in before noon! Any remaining unfulfilled orders will be dropped off/shipped out by Dec 20th.
- CLOSED Dec 16th 12:01pm - Dec 30th
- January 1st 8pm - Online store reopens
***Orders for shipping: Please note, we have no control over delivery times. With the increased volume of parcels shipped across Canada/US, please be aware of possible delays. Normally (during non-holiday season times), parcels take 1-4 business days to be delivered after they have been picked up by the courier. It is very possible that this timeframe can increase. To avoid any delay, please be sure to place your order in advance to ensure your order is received before the desirable date you wish to receive it. Although the online order deadline is December 16th (12pm) this is not a date that we guarantee orders for shipping to be received before Dec 25th. December 16th 12pm guarantees local parcel pick up availability before Dec 25th.